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One free visit

Visitors are entitled to one free visit before joining (subject to places available). After your trial visit, pro-rata fees are available. Fees for full membership are payable on 1 April and 1 October.


Playgroup NSW Annual Membership

This covers insurance and entitles your family to join our playgroup and others throughout NSW.


Six month full financial membership of Forsyth Park Playgroup

Ideal for those attending playgroup regularly. This allows you to participate in the AGM and decision making.


Casual membership of Forsyth Park Playgroup

Casual membership is currently only available to existing casual members.


Additional music/event fee

For casual members wanting to attend music lessons and other major events.


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Bank details

The bank account details are:
NAB Account name: Forsyth Park Playgroup

BSB: 082-299

Account number: 509259920 (Neutral Bay branch)

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